Blue Mosque

Welcome To
Quran House Academy

We offer online Quran classes for kids and adults. Start your learning journey with Quran house Academy. Contact us for more details.

Our History

About Islamic Center

Quran House Academy is an Online Quran Academy, providing Online Quran Classes across the globe, without any discrimination.We aim to provide the best understanding of Basic Quran Reading, Quran with Tajweed, Quran Memorization, Sunnat Azkaar ,Duain, on one platform with proficient, esteemed tutors of Quran house Academy.


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Blue Mosque

Global Quran Learning

Quran House Academy is an Online Quran Academy, providing Online Quran Classes across the globe, without any discrimination.

Blue Mosque

Quran Learning Hub

Quran House Academy is one of the leading platforms for Learn Quran Online also your Gateway to Excellence in Learning Quran Online.

Blue Mosque

Diverse Teaching Options

The best part here is that we have both male & female teachers. You can choose any of them depending upon your convenience.


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Blue Mosque
Traditional Wisdom

Islamic scholars, custodians of timeless wisdom, diligently preserve and share profound teachings. Their expertise in religious texts, interpreting Quran and Hadith, offers invaluable guidance for the communities in matters of faith and spirituality.

Blue Mosque
Bridge to Modernity

In a rapidly evolving world, Islamic scholars act as bridges between tradition and modernity. Their scholarly pursuits extend beyond religious doctrine, engaging with contemporary issues and challenges faced by Muslim communities globally.

Blue Mosque
Global Scholars

Islamic scholars, globally recognized or rooted in local communities, bear the duty of nurturing spiritual enlightenment. Their teachings resonate beyond academia, echoing in the hearts of individuals seeking guidance.